Wealth Management Process

Comprehensive financial planning is a necessary building block of an optimal investment portfolio and is essential to determining risk tolerance. Our four-step Wealth Management Process helps inform an understanding of each unique client’s goals and serves as a road map for the planning and implementation that follows.

  • STEP 1


    Get to know client’s situation and priorities

    Gather pertinent client data, which Heritage reviews for planning and investment analysis

  • STEP 2


    Construct a comprehensive financial plan from information gathered and determine:

    • Where are you now?
    • Where do you want to be?
    • How can we help you reach your goals?
  • STEP 3


    Review existing investments

    Consider changes to improve portfolio

    Present solutions and explain the steps necessary for implementation

  • STEP 4


    Heritage implements and continually monitors the plan

    Meet with client regularly to review the financial plan and investment portfolio